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Using Redis Queues with Python
Reids is a data structure store
that can be used to store and communicate information needed during the execution of a program (or programs). It is
commonly used as a caching layer in web servers, but it’s utility goes well beyond that example. Redis provides
other memory storage operations that are useful in day to day development. In this post
I will explore the “key-list” structure in Redis using the operations: rpop
, lpop
, rpush
and lpush
These operations
easily provide queues and stacks.
Redis setup
There are several ways to get redis setup for use on your own system. In my case, I’m using a GCP Compute Engine node running a Debian based linux OS.1 Redis is available on may operating systems and package managers. In these posts, I will focus specifically on Linux Debian.
$ sudo apt-get install redis
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
libatomic1 libhiredis0.14 libjemalloc2 liblua5.1-0 lua-bitop lua-cjson redis-server redis-tools
Suggested packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libatomic1 libhiredis0.14 libjemalloc2 liblua5.1-0 lua-bitop lua-cjson redis redis-server redis-tools
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/redis.service → /lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/redis-server.service → /lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service.
Setting up redis (5:5.0.3-4+deb10u2) ...
Processing triggers for systemd (241-7~deb10u5) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.5-2) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.28-10) ...
After this command has run, redis will be installed and will be running through Systemd:
$ systemctl status redis-server.service
● redis-server.service - Advanced key-value store
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-01-25 13:13:50 UTC; 1h 27min ago
Docs: http://redis.io/documentation,
Process: 395 ExecStart=/usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 683 (redis-server)
Tasks: 4 (limit: 2322)
Memory: 13.9M
CGroup: /system.slice/redis-server.service
└─683 /usr/bin/redis-server
Jan 25 13:13:49 hugo-builder-images systemd[1]: Starting Advanced key-value store...
Jan 25 13:13:49 hugo-builder-images systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Can't open PID file /run/redis/redis-server.pid (yet?) after start: No such file or directory
Jan 25 13:13:50 hugo-builder-images systemd[1]: Started Advanced key-value store.
Redis has settings to protect the server from undesired access. If you plannin to use redis in a production environment, you would need to spend time to harden it. The default configuration for redis only binds to the localhost ip address, which is a good safe starting point. (See /etc/redis/redis.conf for details)
Redis repl
The installation command above includes redis-tools which provides
the redis-cli
command line tool. The redis-cli
presents a simple
REPL that you
can use to interact with the redis database directly. To get help on the commands available, you can start by sending help
$ redis-cli> help
redis-cli 5.0.3
To get help about Redis commands type:
"help @<group>" to get a list of commands in <group>
"help <command>" for help on <command>
"help <tab>" to get a list of possible help topics
"quit" to exit
To set redis-cli preferences:
":set hints" enable online hints
":set nohints" disable online hints
Set your preferences in ~/.redisclirc
The help
command will give introductory information, but to get into actual commands, you will probably to specify a help
group to get down to some specific actions. You can find more information on the redis commands available on the web:
The commands that we will be working with are list
related so I send a help @list
:> help @list
LLEN key
summary: Get the length of a list
since: 1.0.0
LPOP key
summary: Remove and get the first element in a list
since: 1.0.0
LPUSH key value [value ...]
summary: Prepend one or multiple values to a list
since: 1.0.0
RPOP key
summary: Remove and get the last element in a list
since: 1.0.0
RPUSH key value [value ...]
summary: Append one or multiple values to a list
since: 1.0.0
There are many redis list
commands. I filtered the output above to only show the llen
, lpop
, lpush
, rpop
and rpush
commands which I will be using in this post. For all of these commands, the key
is a unique identifier for the list object that will be operating on.
For example, here is a REPL session:
Report the length of the TEST list.> llen TEST (integer) 0
Push “A” on to the left side of the TEST list.> lpush TEST A (integer) 1
Push “B” on the left side of the TEST list.> lpush TEST B (integer) 2
Report the length of the TEST list.> llen TEST (integer) 2
Pop the “A” item off the right side of the TEST list.> rpop TEST "A"
Pop the “B” item off the right side of the TEST list.> rpop TEST "B"
Report the length of the TEST list.> llen TEST (integer) 0
Here’s a quick visual representation of the above operations:
On all the push
and pop
commands the prefix l
and r
indicate which side of the list the item will be added, in the case of push
, or
removed in the case of pop
. Unlike the push
and pop
operations, the l
prefix on llen
indicates that length operation is being performed on list.
Also note that conventionally, I will push onto the list from the left and pop off the right. This convention will be useful with list operations that I will go into in a subsequent post.
Stacks oh my! (quick diversion)
Just as a little diversion, the operations provided can also be used to create a stack rather than a queue. A stack
can be achieved by popping off the same side as the push. For example lpush
by a lpop
. In this example, I push items on the left
side and then pop them off the left side. The same result can be achieved using right side operations.> lpush TEST A
(integer) 1> lpush TEST B
(integer) 2> lpush TEST C
(integer) 3> lpop TEST
"C"> lpop TEST
"B"> lpop TEST
"A"> lpop TEST
Python examples
Ok so enough redis-cli repl work. Now I will demonstrate the queue operations using the redis python package. First up, getting redis installed.
Setup python
I find that my gcp Compute Engine is a little thin on necessary python stuff. Fortunately there is some reference material:
gcp setup linux Also, I always use venv
to isolate my python
environment and within that virtual environment, I use pip
to install python packages.
To install python3
, venv
and pip
I used the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-dev python3-venv wget
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
sudo python3 get-pip.py
Get redis package
Now that I have a working modern python with pip
I can install the redis package.
$ python -m venv redis
$ source redis/bin/activate
(redis) $ pip install redis
Collecting redis
Downloading redis-3.5.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (72 kB)
|████████████████████████████████| 72 kB 270 kB/s
Installing collected packages: redis
Successfully installed redis-3.5.3
Now I should have the minimal environment necessary to run through redis examples:
(redis) $ pip freeze
Using the python REPL to use redis
Just like there’s a redis repl, there is a python repl. Here is an example of connecting to redis through python using the repl
Start up the repl
(redis) $ python3 Python 3.7.3 (default, Jul 25 2020, 13:03:44) [GCC 8.3.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Import Redis class from the repl package and create an instance.
>>> from redis import Redis >>> conn = Redis() >>> conn.ping() True
Check to see if there are any existing keys.
>>> conn.keys("*") []
Push “A” onto the lefthand side of the
list, then similarly push “B”>>> conn.lpush("TEST","A") 1 >>> conn.lpush("TEST","B") 2
Check the size of the list then pop items off the list
>>> conn.llen("TEST") 2 >>> conn.rpop("TEST") b'A' >>> conn.rpop("TEST") b'B' >>> conn.llen("TEST") 0
Note that items retrieved from redis are prefixed with a ‘b’ indicating that the data is returned as a binary. Here is an example of retrieving an item from the queue and decoding it as ‘ASCII’ for use.
>>> conn.lpush("TEST","A") 1 >>> conn.rpop("TEST").decode("ASCII") 'A'
Building on this nuance a little, if you want to store json and retrieve json from Redis. You will need to
the value.>>> import json >>> mydata = {"name":"something important", "value": 99} >>> json.dumps(mydata) '{"name": "something important", "value": 99}' >>> conn.lpush("TEST",json.dumps(mydata)) 1 >>> result = conn.rpop("TEST") >>> result b'{"name": "something important", "value": 99}' >>> mydata_result = json.loads(result.decode("ASCII")) >>> mydata_result {'name': 'something important', 'value': 99}
Finally close the Redis connection
>>> conn.close() >>> conn.ping() True
The Python Code
Ok so now what does the code look like to push items onto a queue and then pull them off. Again, this is not a hardened production environment, just a workspace that will be brought down when not in use.
from redis import Redis
import os
import string
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig(level=os.getenv('LOGLEVEL', 'DEBUG'))
def main():
# connect to redis database
conn = Redis()
# push several items onto the queue:
letters_to_push = string.ascii_uppercase[5:10]
for letter in letters_to_push:
logger.debug("pushing letter: {}".format(letter))
logger.debug("rpush result:{}".format(conn.rpush('pending', letter)))
# pop all the letters off the queue
while 1:
item = conn.lpop('pending')
logger.debug("lpop result:{}".format(item))
if item is None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
And finally, some output from the script:from redis import Redis import os import string import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(name) logging.basicConfig(level=os.getenv(‘LOGLEVEL’, ‘DEBUG’))
def main(): # connect to redis database conn = Redis() logger.debug(“Is there a connection? {}".format(conn.ping())) conn.close()
# push several items onto the queue:
letters_to_push = string.ascii_uppercase[5:10]
for letter in letters_to_push:
logger.debug("pushing letter: {}".format(letter))
logger.debug("rpush result:{}".format(conn.rpush('pending', letter)))
# pop all the letters off the queue
while 1:
item = conn.lpop('pending')
if item is None:
logger.debug("lpop result:{}".format(item.decode("ASCII")))
if name == ‘main': main()
(redis) $ python RedisPushPop.py
DEBUG:__main__:Is there a connection? True
DEBUG:__main__:pushing letter: F
DEBUG:__main__:rpush result:1
DEBUG:__main__:pushing letter: G
DEBUG:__main__:rpush result:2
DEBUG:__main__:pushing letter: H
DEBUG:__main__:rpush result:3
DEBUG:__main__:pushing letter: I
DEBUG:__main__:rpush result:4
DEBUG:__main__:pushing letter: J
DEBUG:__main__:rpush result:5
DEBUG:__main__:lpop result:F
DEBUG:__main__:lpop result:G
DEBUG:__main__:lpop result:H
DEBUG:__main__:lpop result:I
DEBUG:__main__:lpop result:J
Final Word
Redis provides a lot of interesting capabilities and can provide a useful way to distribute tasks to independent workers. I hope that this post has provided you with a better understanding of the queue and stack capabilities available in Redis.
Yadda Yadda.. all my other computers are dead or on Apple M1 and I don’t have the patience to get hugo/go working yet… ↩︎